
Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?

static int Result;
class India
    void Change(int x = 10, int y = 20, int z = 30)
        cout<< x + y + z;
    void Display(int x = 40, float y = 50.00)
        Result = x % x; 
        cout<< Result;
class Bix
    int x, y; 
    void Change(int x, int y = 50)
        cout<< x + y;
class IndiaBix: public India, public Bix
    void Display(int x = 10, int xx = 100, int xxx = 1000)
        Result = x + xx % x * x;
        cout<< Result ; 
int main()
    IndiaBix objBix;
    objBix.India::Display(10, 20.00);
    return 0; 

A. The program will print the output 0.
B. The program will print the output 10.
C. The program will print the output 30.
D. The program will print the output 40.
E. The program will report compile time error.


Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?

class IndiaBix
    int x; 
    float y; 
    void BixFunction(int = 0, float = 0.00f, char = 'A');
    void BixFunction(float, int = 10.00, char = 'Z');
    void BixFunction(char, char, char);
int main()
    IndiaBix objBix;
    objBix.BixFunction(10 * 1.0, int(56.0)); 
    return 0;
void IndiaBix::BixFunction(int xx, float yy, char zz)
    x = xx + int(yy);
    cout<< "x = " << x << endl;
void IndiaBix::BixFunction(float xx, int yy, char zz)
    x = zz + zz;
    y = xx + yy;
    cout<< " x = " << x << endl;
void IndiaBix::BixFunction(char xx, char yy, char zz)
    x = xx + yy + zz; 
    y = float(xx * 2); 
    cout<< " x = " << x << endl;

A. The program will print the output x = 65.
B. The program will print the output x = 66.
C. The program will print the output x = 130.
D. The program will print the output x = 180.
E. The program will not compile successfully.


Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?

static double gDouble; 
static float  gFloat; 
static double gChar; 
static double gSum = 0; 
class BaseOne
    void Display(double x = 0.0, float y = 0.0, char z = 'A')
        gDouble = x;
        gFloat  = y;
        gChar   = int(z);
        gSum    = gDouble + gFloat + gChar;
        cout << gSum; 
class BaseTwo
    void Display(int x = 1, float y = 0.0, char z = 'A')
        gDouble = x;
        gFloat  = y;
        gChar   = int(z); 
        gSum    = gDouble + gFloat + gChar;
        cout << gSum;
class Derived : public BaseOne, BaseTwo
    void Show()
        cout << gSum;
int main()
    Derived objDev;
    objDev.BaseTwo::Display(10, 20, 'Z');
    return 0; 

A. The program will print the output 0.
B. The program will print the output 120.
C. The program will report run-time error.
D. The program will report compile-time error.
E. The program will print the output garbage value.


What will be the output of the following program?

class Base
    int S, A, M; 
    Base(int x, int y)
        S = y - y;
        A = x + x; 
        M = x * x;
    Base(int, int y = 'A', int z = 'B')
        S = y;
        A = y + 1 - 1; 
        M = z - 1;
    void Display(void)
        cout<< S << " " << A << " " << M << endl;
class Derived : public Base
    int x, y, z; 
    Derived(int xx = 65, int yy = 66, int zz = 67): Base(x)
        x = xx; 
        y = yy;
        z = zz;
    void Display(int n)
            cout<< x << " " << y << " " << z << endl; 
int main()
    Derived objDev; 
    return 0;

A. 65 65 65
B. 65 66 67
C. A A A
D. A B C
E. The program will report compile time error.


What will be the output of the following program?

class Base
    char S, A, M; 
    Base(char x, char y)
        S = y - y;
        A = x + x; 
        M = x * x;
    Base(char, char y = 'A', char z = 'B')
        S = y;
        A = y + 1 - 1; 
        M = z - 1;
    void Display(void)
        cout<< S << " " << A << " " << M << endl;
class Derived : public Base
    char x, y, z; 
    Derived(char xx = 65, char yy = 66, char zz = 65): Base(x)
        x = xx; 
        y = yy;
        z = zz;
    void Display(int n)
            cout<< x << " " << y << " " << z << endl; 
int main()
    Derived objDev; 
    return 0;

A. A A A
B. A B A
C. A B C
D. Garbage Garbage Garbage
E. The program will report compile time error.