
Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?

class IndiaBix
    void Bix(int x = 15)
        x = x/2; 
        if(x > 0)
            cout<< x % 2; 
int main()
    IndiaBix objIB;
    return 0; 

A. The program will display 1.
B. The program will display 2.
C. The program will display 15.
D. The program will go into an infinite loop.
E. The program will report error on compilation.


Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?

long GetNumber(long int Number)
    return --Number;
float GetNumber(int Number)
    return ++Number;
int main()
    int x = 20;
    int y = 30;
    cout<< GetNumber(x) << " ";
    cout<< GetNumber(y) ;
    return 0; 

A. The program will print the output 19 31.
B. The program will print the output 20 30.
C. The program will print the output 21 31.
D. The program will print the output 21 29.
E. Program will report compile time error.


What will be the output of the following program?

struct MyData
    int Addition(int a, int b = 10)
        return (a *= b + 2);
    float Addition(int a, float b);
int main()
    MyData data;
    cout<<data.Addition(1)<<" ";
    cout<<data.Addition(3, 4);
    return 0; 

A. 12 12
B. 12 18
C. 3 14
D. 18 12
E. Compilation fails.


Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?

int BixTest(int x, int y);
int BixTest(int x, int y, int z = 5);
int main()
    cout<< BixTest(2, 4) << endl; 
    return 0;
int BixTest(int x, int y)
    return x * y;
int BixTest(int x, int y, int z = 5)
    return x * y * z; 

A. The program will print the output 5.
B. The program will print the output 8.
C. The program will print the output 40.
D. The program will report compile time error.


What will be the output of the following program?

class IndiabixSample
        int   a; 
        float b;
        void BixFunction(int a, float b, float c = 100.0f)
            cout<< a % 20 + c * --b;
int main()
{   IndiabixSample objBix;
    objBix.BixFunction(20, 2.000000f, 5.0f);
    return 0; 

A. 0
B. 5
C. 100
D. -5
E. None of these