
Which of the following high speed non¬impact printers are fast enough to print the entire book in about 1 minute.

A. Laser
B. Dot-matrix
C. Page
D. Line
E. None of the above


An identifying label on the first record of magnetic tape is

A. Punched paper tape
B. Optical mark reader
C. Tape label
D. Joystick
E. None of the above


Super computers are primarily useful for

A. Input-output intensive processing
B. Data-retrieval operations
C. Mathematical-intensive scientific applications
D. All of the above
E. None of the above


A reflective marker that indicates the end of the usable tape is

A. End user
B. End-of-tape
C. Optical mark reader
E. None of the above


Which of the following are not likely to be found on a PC main circuit board

A. RAM chips
B. Microprocessor chips
C. ROM chips
D. LCD clocks
E. None of the above