
What was the total number of UNIVAC-I sold eventually and by which company?

A. 30, British Tabulating Machine Co. (BTM)
B. 40, International Business Machines (IBM)
C. 48, Remington Rand
D. 40, International Computer Ltd. (ICL)
E. None of the above


A file containing relatively permanent data is

A. Random file
B. Transaction file
C. Master file
D. Sequential file
E. None of the above


Communication that involves computers, establishing a link through the telephone system is called

A. Teleprocessing
B. Microprocessing
C. Telecommunications
D. All of the above
E. None of the above


Dot-matrix is a type of

A. Tape
B. Printer
C. Disk
D. Bus
E. None of the above


Which kind of devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?

A. System boards
B. Storage devices
C. Input devices
D. Output devices
E. Expansion slots