
A computer system consisting of its processor, memory and I/O devices accepts data, processes it and produces the output results. Can you tell in which component is the raw data fed?

A. Mass Memory
B. Main memory
C. Logic unit
D. Arithmetic unit
E. None of the above


When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?

A. 1978
B. 1984
C. 1990
D. 1991
E. None of the above


The transistorized computer circuits were introduced in the

A. First generation
B. Second generation
C. Third generation
D. Fourth generation
E. Fifth generation


The memory sizes in mainframe computers and advanced technology micro computers are expressed as

A. Bytes
B. Kilo-bytes
C. Bits
D. Megabytes
E. None of the above


A memory bus is mainly used for communication between

A. processor and memory
B. processor and I/O devices
C. I/O devices and memory
D. input device and output device
E. None of the above