
Errors in a program are called

A. accidents
B. annoyances
C. bugs
D. mistakes
E. typing errors


If you declare two objects as Customer firstCust, secondCust; which of the following must be true?

A. Each object's nonstatic data members will be stored in the same memory location
B. Each object will be stored in the same memory location
C. Each object will have a unique memory address
D. You cannot declare two objects of the same class


Which of the following is the inequality operator?

A. !=
B. =
C. ==
D. -->
E. <>


If a derived class uses the public access specifier, then _____

A. public base class members remain public in the derived class
B. protected base class members become public in the derived class
C. both (a) and (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b)


The operator that releases previously allocated memory is _____

A. release
B. return
C. delete
D. destroy