
Conversion of binary number 11000112 to hexadecimal is

A. 6316
B. 5716
C. 4616
D. 4016
E. None of the above


Conversion of binary number 11000112 to its decimal number is

A. 2910
B. 9710
C. 9910
D. 9310
E. None of the above


Conversion of binary number 11000112 to an octal number is

A. 1408
B. 1438
C. 1478
D. 1498
E. None of the above


A preliminary guide for comparing the simplicity of logic circuits is to count the number of input _____ leads.

A. wire
B. bus
C. gate
D. All of the above
E. None of the above


An AND gate has 7 inputs, what is the only input word that produces a 1 output?

A. 0000000
B. 0001111
C. 1110000
D. 1111111
E. None of the above