
Point out the error in the following program.

void display(char *s, ...);
void show(char *t, ...);

int main()
    display("Hello", 4, 12, 13, 14, 44);
    return 0;
void display(char *s, ...)
    show(s, ...);
void show(char *t, ...)
    int a;
    va_list ptr;
    va_start(ptr, s);
    a = va_arg(ptr, int);
    printf("%f", a);

A. Error: invalid function display() call
B. Error: invalid function show() call
C. No error
D. Error: Rvalue required for t


Point out the error in the following program.

void varfun(int n, ...);

int main()
    varfun(3, 7, -11.2, 0.66);
    return 0;
void varfun(int n, ...)
    float *ptr;
    int num;
    va_start(ptr, n);
    num = va_arg(ptr, int);
    printf("%d", num);

A. Error: too many parameters
B. Error: invalid access to list member
C. Error: ptr must be type of va_list
D. No error