
Which of the following statements are correct about the program?


int main()
    printf("%p\n", main());
    return 0;

A. It prints garbage values infinitely
B. Runs infinitely without printing anything
C. Error: main() cannot be called inside printf()
D. No Error and print nothing


There is a error in the below program. Which statement will you add to remove it?


int main()
    int a;
    a = f(10, 3.14);
    printf("%d\n", a);
    return 0;
float f(int aa, float bb)
    return ((float)aa + bb);

A. Add prototype: float f(aa, bb)
B. Add prototype: float f(int, float)
C. Add prototype: float f(float, int)
D. Add prototype: float f(bb, aa)


Which of the following statements are correct about the function?

long fun(int num)
    int i;
    long f=1;
    for(i=1; i<=num; i++)
        f = f * i;
    return f;

A. The function calculates the value of 1 raised to power num.
B. The function calculates the square root of an integer
C. The function calculates the factorial value of an integer
D. None of above