
The File that contains a set of instructions which are performed when a user logs in, is

A. .exrc
B. .profile
C. .autoexec
D. autoexec.bat
E. None of the above


The octal representation 652 indicates

A. Execute permission for the owner
B. Write permission for others
C. Read and write permission of groups
D. All of the above
E. None of the above


Which of the following command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file?

A. wc -l
B. wc -c
C. wc -w
D. wc -r
E. None of the above


Which of the following command is used to go to home directory?

A. cd..
B. cd/
C. cd
D. cd HOME.
E. None of the above


Which command is used to move all files to the bin sub-directory of the parent directory?

A. mv *.* /bin/
B. mv * /bin/*
C. mv * ../bin
D. mv * ../bin *.*
E. None of the above