
To hide a data member from the program, you must declare the data member in the _____ section of the class

A. concealed
B. confidential
C. hidden
D. private
E. restricted


External documentation includes

A. a printout of the program's code
B. flowcharts
C. IPO charts
D. pseudocode
E. All of the above


A function that is called automatically each time an object is created is a(n)

A. constructor
B. contractor
C. builder
D. architect


A variable's _____ indicates how long the variable remains in the computer's memory

A. area
B. extent
C. lifetime
D. reach
E. scope


The function whose prototype is void getData(Item *thing); receives

A. a pointer to a structure
B. a reference to a structure
C. a copy of a structure
D. nothing