• What is the difference between hard work and smart work? -
HR Interview

Points to remember:

  • Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.
26. Rama Kishore said: (28 Aug 2016)  
If any person initially in their field starts hard work to know the things practically later he converted to smart work once he got experience and knowledge. But without hard work, there is no smart work.

27. Amartya said: (28 Aug 2016)  
Hard work is what you do by pushing your limits beyond your routine. Smart work is the planned way of achieving any goal which to makes you devote your time to the aim you want to achieve. But it doesn't make you feel hard. Actually, hard work is nothing it is in our mind that we work hard. A person works from day to night, manages everything and before going to bed feels exhausted but that's not hard work that's routine work that we do to survive but seriously that's not hard work but then even we feel it hard.

28. Vishnupriya said: (28 Aug 2016)  
Hard work answering 10 easy questions thinking it is easy. Smart work answering one hard question.

29. B.Harsha Vardhan said: (28 Aug 2016)  
Hard work is doing something with full of effort. Smart work is doing something with full of intelligence.

30. Faroukh Khan said: (28 Aug 2016)  
Hard Work is Doing by physically and Smart work is doing by Mentally.