
How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet which is used in all communications with the host?

A. 16 - bits
B. 32 - bits
C. 48 - bits
D. 64 - bits
E. None of the above


With an IP address of 100, you currently have 80 subnets. What subnet mask should you use to maximize the number of available hosts?

A. 192
B. 224
C. 240
D. 248
E. 252


Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?

A. wideband channel
B. voiceband channel
C. narrowband channel
D. broadband channel
E. None of the above


Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers?

A. communications software
B. protocol
C. communications hardware
D. access to transmission medium
E. All of the above


Which of the following does not allow multiple users or devices to share one communications line?

A. doubleplexer
B. multipplexer
C. concentrator
D. controller
E. None of the above