41.  Statement: Because of the large number of potholes in road X, reaching airport in time has become difficult. Assumptions: Reaching airport in time may not be always necessary. There is no other convenient road to the airport.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit

42.  Statement: Safety and health practices in many Indian companies are well below the international standards. Assumptions: International standards of health and safety are ideal and unrealistic. Indian organizations do not consider safety and health management as their prime social responsibility.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit

43.  Statement: Greater public participation results in good civic governance. - Statement of Municipal Commissioner of City A. Assumptions: The municipal office is not competent to effect good civic administration. Good civic governance is a matter of collective will and effort of the people and administration.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit

44.  Statement: The regulatory authority has set up a review committee to find out the reasons for unstable stock prices. Assumptions: The investors may regain confidence in stock market by this decision. The review committee has the expertise to find out the causes for volatility in the stock market.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit

45.  Statement: Please note that the company will provide accommodation to only outside candidates if selected.' - A condition in an advertisement. Assumptions: The local candidates would be having some other arrangement for their stay. The company plans to select only local candidates.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit