
import java.io.*;
public class MyProgram 
    public static void main(String args[])
        FileOutputStream out = null;
            out = new FileOutputStream("test.txt");
        catch(IOException io) 
            System.out.println("IO Error.");
and given that all methods of class FileOutputStream, including close(), throw an IOException, which of these is true?

A. This program will compile successfully.
B. This program fails to compile due to an error at line 4.
C. This program fails to compile due to an error at line 6.
D. This program fails to compile due to an error at line 18.


public class MyProgram 
    public static void throwit() 
        throw new RuntimeException();
    public static void main(String args[])
            System.out.println("Hello world ");
            System.out.println("Done with try block ");
            System.out.println("Finally executing ");
which answer most closely indicates the behavior of the program?

A. The program will not compile.
B. The program will print Hello world, then will print that a RuntimeException has occurred, then will print Done with try block, and then will print Finally executing.
C. The program will print Hello world, then will print that a RuntimeException has occurred, and then will print Finally executing.
D. The program will print Hello world, then will print Finally executing, then will print that a RuntimeException has occurred.


System.out.print("Start ");
    System.out.print("Hello world");
    throw new FileNotFoundException();
System.out.print(" Catch Here "); /* Line 7 */
catch(EOFException e) 
    System.out.print("End of file exception");
catch(FileNotFoundException e) 
    System.out.print("File not found");
and given that EOFException and FileNotFoundException are both subclasses of IOException, and further assuming this block of code is placed into a class, which statement is most true concerning this code?

A. The code will not compile.
B. Code output: Start Hello world File Not Found.
C. Code output: Start Hello world End of file exception.
D. Code output: Start Hello world Catch Here File not found.


Which statement is true?

A. catch(X x) can catch subclasses of X where X is a subclass of Exception.
B. The Error class is a RuntimeException.
C. Any statement that can throw an Error must be enclosed in a try block.
D. Any statement that can throw an Exception must be enclosed in a try block.


public class ExceptionTest 
    class TestException extends Exception {} 
    public void runTest() throws TestException {} 
    public void test() /* Point X */ 
At Point X on line 5, which code is necessary to make the code compile?

A. No code is necessary.
B. throws Exception
C. catch ( Exception e )
D. throws RuntimeException