
The largest and the oldest museum of India is located in the state/union territory of

A. New Delhi
B. पश्चिम बंगाल
C. आंध्र प्रदेश
D. उत्तर प्रदेश


The first Indian Satellite launched from Soviet Cosmodrome is?

A. Bhaskara
B. भारत
C. रोहिणी
D. आर्यभट्ट


The first nuclear reactor in India is

A. Dhurva
B. हर्ष
C. विपुल
D. अप्सरा


The first person of Indian origin to be appointed as a judge in U.S. is

A. P.A.Sangma
B. बसव राजेश्वरी
C. आर.सी. भारद्वाज
D. ऋद्धि देसाई


Largest Mint in India is located at

A. Nasik
B. कोलकाता
C. हैदराबाद
D. मुंबई