• Famous Personalities - Famous Personalities

Guru Gopi Krishna was a maestro of which of the following dance forma?

A. Kuchipudi
B. कथक
C. मणिपुरी
D. भरतनाट्यम


Which of the following fields A. Nageshwara Rao is associated with?

A. Sports
B. साहित्य
C. गतिशील तस्वीरें
D. राजनीति


Ms. Bachendri Pal had undertaken a unique expedition for focusing attention on which of these?

A. One Nation one Family
B. बालिका
C. राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण
D. साहसिक कार्य के स्प्रिट


Jamini Roy was a famous?

A. Producer
B. चित्रकार
C. नर्तकी
D. अभिनेता


Who is well known collector of artefacts and curios?

A. Wadeyar
B. सालार जंग
C. रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर
D. मोतीलाल नेहरू