
Sending a copy of data to a program module is called _______

A. passing a value
B. making a reference
C. recursion
D. setting a condition


Of the three ways to pass arguments to functions, only passing by _____ and passing by _____ allow the function to modify the argument in the calling program

A. reference, pointer
B. array, location
C. array, pointer
D. None of the above


To use either an input or output file, the program must include the _____ header file

A. filestream.h
B. fstream.h
C. instream.h
D. inoutstream.h
E. iostream.h


A widget is to the blueprint for a widget as an object is to

A. a member function
B. a class
C. an operator
D. a data item


C++ allows you to define the same functions more than once in the same program _____

A. if the definitions are identical
B. if the definitions are included in two separate #include files
C. if the definitions are located in a single #include file that is included more than once
D. C++ does not allow you to define the same functions more than once in the same program