
A base register table

A. is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system
B. is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain
C. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time
D. allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program


A sequence of instructions, in a computer language, to get the desired result, is known as

A. Algorithm
B. Decision Table
C. Program
D. All of the above


The function(s) of the Storage Assignment is/are:

A. to assign storage to all variables referenced in the source program
B. to assign storage to all temporary locations that are necessary for intermediate results
C. to assign storage to literals, and to ensure that the storage is allocated and appropriate locations are initialized
D. All of the above


An algorithm is best described as

A. A computer language
B. A step by step procedure for solving a problem
C. A branch of mathematics
D. All of the above


Indicate whether the statement LDA B is a statement, in

A. Machine language
B. Assembly language
C. High level language
D. All of the above