
Which of the following statements are correct about the below program?

int main()
    int i = 10, j = 20;
    if(i = 5) && if(j = 10)
        printf("Have a nice day");
    return 0;

A. Output: Have a nice day
B. No output
C. Error: Expression syntax
D. Error: Undeclared identifier if


Which of the following statements are correct about the below program?

int main()
    int i = 10, j = 20;
    if(i = 5) && if(j = 10)
        printf("Have a nice day");
    return 0;

A. Output: Have a nice day
B. No output
C. Error: Expression syntax
D. Error: Undeclared identifier if


Which of the following statements are correct about the below program?

int main()
    int i = 10, j = 15;
    if(i % 2 = j % 3)
    return 0;

A. Error: Expression syntax
B. Error: Lvalue required
C. Error: Rvalue required
D. The Code runs successfully


Which of the following statements are correct about the program?

int main()
    int x = 30, y = 40;
    if(x == y)
        printf("x is equal to y\n");

    else if(x > y)
        printf("x is greater than y\n");

    else if(x < y)
        printf("x is less than y\n")
    return 0;

A. Error: Statement missing
B. Error: Expression syntax
C. Error: Lvalue required
D. Error: Rvalue required


Which of the following statements are correct about an if-else statements in a C-program?

1: Every if-else statement can be replaced by an equivalent statements using   ?: operators
2: Nested if-else statements are allowed.
3: Multiple statements in an if block are allowed.
4: Multiple statements in an else block are allowed.

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 4
D. 2, 3, 4