
Point out the error in the following program (in Turbo C under DOS).


union emp
    int empno;
    int age;

int main()
    union emp e = {10, 25};
    printf("%d %d", e.empno, e.age);
    return 0;

A. Error: Lvalue required
B. Error: Rvalue required
C. Error: cannot initialize more than one union member.
D. No error


Point out the error in the following program.


int main()
    static char *p = (char *)malloc(10);
    return 0;

A. Error: Lvalue required
B. Error: Rvalue required
C. Error: invalid *p declaration
D. No error


Point out the error in the following program.

void display(int (*ff)());

int main()
    int show();
    int (*f)();
    f = show;
    return 0;
void display(int (*ff)())
int show()

A. Error: invalid parameter in function display()
B. Error: invalid function call f=show;
C. No error and prints "IndiaBIX"
D. No error and prints nothing.